Wednesday, July 23, 2008


All my life I believe that health insurance is a necessary thing is a waste of money. I am sure that all people are still substantial and if the person thinking of health insurance, he or she begins to become worse now. But one day I started to feel themselves very badly. I do not know what happens to me, I'm not even go and work that day. Then understand that it is an addition. My salary has already been spent, and I could not save money this month for some urgent cases. So, I really do not have the money for an operation. I started calling my friends to borrow money, but because it always happens in such cases, I do not. The pain was so serious that I change the name of the acute care. They took me to the hospital and I was lucky that the doctor agreed to an operation without money. Do I promised to return the money after the operation. And what if the doctor refused to do surgery without money? And then the situation I have every sympathy for the need for health insurance. So if you do not want to get into trouble if I had visited and obtaining health insurance for the democratic price.

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